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So I was studying for my exams for popculture when my coworker kept bugging me to write something for their comic. Being of a mind of writing what's on my mind I decided sure why not, what ever! So I start typing with no clear or discernable idea of what I want to say but I continue going. As I am writing this meaningless drivel I come to a realization of that I am being used by my co-worker. So in order to prevent this from happening again I stage a rebellion. I run and turn on my Beatles album and start playing "Revolution" thinking ok this will be a great song to start a revolution to but then I actually start listening to the lyrics...It's a non violent revolution song and that was kind of the opposite of what I was heading for. So after my rage has been quelled by the Beatles I decide to think about how I plan to have a non violent revolution. When suddenly I hit the mouse and change the song to Spank That. Knowing how I am and how my thoughts and actions revolve around what ever song I am listening to at the time Well you can see where that was going. Afterwards I turnoff the music before something even more unfortunate comes on. So I decided to start writing again what ever popped into my head and finally I came up with something so profound and intelligent to say that it must be said and that is this "Don't drink the brine till you finish the pickles." HTML makes the mighty Spaghetti Monster cry tears of Cheese Whiz and burning. That being said I could go for some type of caffeinated beverage...
Dec 2007 JAN
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